
Items Dashboard

Various categories of items which may need attention such as items with negative inventory, items with duplicate UPC codes, items missing a UPC code, recent returns, etc.

A one-stop-shop page of reports with items that may need attention.

  • Items with negative inventory. Even the most tightly run operations experience items with negative inventory. Such items are a symptom of something that went wrong and should be addressed as soon as possible. For example, if a special order is accidentally rang through instead of being put on special order the inventory will become negative. If this is not discovered and fixed the customer's order will miss getting placed.
  • Items with duplicate UPC codes. Some POS systems such as Lightspeed allow the same UPC code to be saved in more than 1 item. This is usually indicative of either a duplicate item or an incorrect UPC code. Either way you'll want to fix this as soon as possible.
  • Items missing UPC codes. It's a best practice to get UPC codes imported before items arrive so that purchase orders can be received by scanning UPC codes. It's a good practice to ensure that all items in stock have UPC codes so that there is no problem is ringing up transactions.
  • Matrices which may need to be archived. In order to reduce clutter in the inventory search engine and other aspects of the POS it's a good practice to archive matrices for items which you are confident will never be in your shop again. Pinpointing such items can be a chore. This handy report highlights matrices which are totally out of stock and are not on any purchase orders. It also shows how long ago was the last sale and when the last item was created. A direct link to the matrix in Lightspeed is provided so that it can be quickly archived if desired.
  • Non-matrix items that are missing key details. Items created on the fly in the POS are often missing key details such as cost, MSRP, category, brand or vendor. Being able to see and fix such items if very useful.
  • Recently returned items. A list of returned items in chronological order. Keeping tabs on recently returned items and any notes made by the cashier is a good practice as it can help identify any trends that need to be addressed.

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